We make it as easy and convenient as possible for anyone, who wishes to help make a difference in the world, to do so.
Through our time-honored event planning and food packaging processes, Food for Kidz has helped thousands of generous people and organizations around the country extend their hearts to others through events organized close to home. It’s our intent to continue offering engaging options to those desiring to serve others that are far-reaching and impactful.
Hard working volunteers, thoughtful event planners, and generous donors know the impact of their work through the stories, pictures, and updates we share.
We’ll provide the tools and support you need to organize a food packaging event near you. We’ll bring our mobile unit equipped with all the food and supplies your volunteers need to package life-sustaining food to make a difference for others, around the world and close to home. When your event is complete, Food for Kidz works partners with organizations who know where the current need is greatest and assist us with shipping and delivering food and supplies when it’s needed most. Our three food packaging recipe options serve areas of food insecurities across the United States, as well as around the world. Are you ready to make a difference?
Make a Difference, Starting Today
What can one person do? You can do plenty!
- Tell us about your idea for promoting sustainability in conjunction with our core services and how we might be able to work together!
- Share your story that will inspire others to take action today!
- Download a packet of information and get started!